Firewood Processing

We take all unwanted logs that arise from our tree surgery operations to be processed into firewood.

The recycling process involves:

  • Separating hardwood and softwood to determine quality;
  • Stems disc-cut into logs of approx. 10 inches;
  • Discs split into stove sized pieces using our tractor mounted hydraulic splitter;
  • Logs piled in storage compounds raised off the floor but open to the through-flow of the wind;
  • Seasoned in compounds uncovered from April to September then covered for 12 months+ still allowing through flow of air from the sides of the compound;
  • Each compound tested for moisture content for consistency below 20%.

Dry, high-quality logs are scooped with our loading machine using one of our measured buckets – 2m3 or 3m3 – allowing accurate measurement of any quantity required (in whole cubic meters) and loaded loose onto one of our tipper-trucks to be delivered directly to your drive. Single cubic meter bags are filled by hand and delivered to your drive (tipping the logs out and removing the bag). It is quite an extensive process but delivers top quality firewood!

Firewood Sales

Bulk-bags (or “builders bags”) can vary in volume (between 60cm3-85cm3) so to ensure you get what you pay for – we supply our firewood in cubic meters – which generally gives you around 30% more than a standard bulk-bag.

Seasoned Hardwood Logs


PER CUBIC METRE (inc VAT & delivery)

We can delivery quantities between 1–6m3.

Prices (inclusive of VAT and local delivery):


Our wood-chippers process branches of up to 150mm diameter (or 300mm with the Unimog!) into small chips of wood. Wood-chip makes a valuable resource for the garden as a mulch and weed suppressant, and can be used as a visual cover-up of unsightly areas. We sell wood-chip by the truck load (approx. 5m3) freshly chipped straight from site or we can supply seasoned (partially mulched) chip from our stockpiles.

Prices (inclusive of local delivery):

Fresh Woodchip

£150 + VATper load

Seasoned Woodchip

£175 + VATper load

Timber Production

Wherever possible, we promote the production of local timber with the use of a portable sawmill. We are keen wherever possible to promote the recycling and use of the trees we take down, and recognise their potential uses.

If you have specific requirements, please get in touch to discuss and we’ll see what we can do for you.

© 2025 Arborist Tree Care are a team of friendly and professional tree surgeons working within Sheffield and the surrounding areas

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